Friday, July 4, 2014

The Three…err Four…Locks (bandhas) of Kundalini Yoga

The Bandhas are the locks applied to specific areas of the body. When applied correctly, these locks can direct the apana and prana towards the higher energy centers. The locks are fundamental techniques that can create a cumulative effect in the practitioner. Over time, when used appropriately, these locks will allow the practitioner to steadily accumulate and build the energetic frequency within the physical body thus achieving movement towards the Divine.

The locks or bandhas have been described in numerous yoga texts. The 3 main locks are Mul Bhandh, Uddiyan Bandh, and Jalander Bandh. What about that 4th lock? Well, when all 3 main locks are applied simultaneously, then you achieve the 4th lock, which is called Maha Bandh or the great seal. The bandhas are fundamental to Kundalini Yoga and are used in specific sequences of poses in Kundalini Yoga Kriyas (or sets of sequenced yoga poses). With continued practice, like many things, using these locks to rapidly raise the energy towards the higher energy centers becomes faster, easier and more powerful. One way to experience this cumulative effect is to keep a journal as you master the bandhas and benefit from their powerful effects. Continued practice of applying the bandhas will help you clear energetic blocks that resist the rising of Kundalini energy through your physical body and chakras (a subject for another post!).

Now…the Goods!

Mulbandh – The Root Lock

Mulbandh is applied at the base of the spine like a hydraulic lock squeezing the sex organs and anus up towards the higher centers. When applied, and strengthened over time, it activates and balances the lower chakra energies. This energy is associated with the rectum (1st Chakra), sex organs (2nd Chakra), and navel point (3rd Chakra). Application of mulbandh redirects excess sexual energy into healing and creativity. In fact, it has been written in ancient yogic texts that this lock can revitalize youth thus reducing the effects of old age on the practioner! In Kundalini Yoga Kriyas, mulbandh is often applied at the end of yogic poses to help strengthen and stabilize the effects of the pose.
What are the energetic mechanics of this lock?
Applying mulbandh blends the prana and apana at the navel center. Mulbandh redirects the apana (from its normal course downward to the 1st Chakra) toward the navel center where it joins the downward flow of prana energy at the navel. When prana and apana meet, tapas or inner heat is created, which then opens the entrance to the sushmuna, the central channel. This allows the Kundalini energy to flow up the spine.

An excellent Kriya meditation to feel the power of mulbandh is Tershula Kriya or Thunderbolt of Shiva. This kriya directly activates the Kundalini energy by rhythmically applying and releasing mulbandh with a pranayam, mantra, and simultaneous visualization. If interested, you are welcome to email me for instructions on this specific kriya!

Udiyanbandh – The Diaphragm Lock 

Udiyanbandh is the 2nd (and probably the most misunderstood) lock, which is centered around the navel. To activate this lock you pull the diaphragm and the upper part of the abdomen up and back towards the spine. One should only fully apply udiyanbandh at the bottom of an exhalation. (Note: In contrast, one should not apply a vigorous udiyanbandh on a full inhale since doing so will put too much pressure on the thoracic cavity. Alternatively, it is ok to engage the abdominal area on a full inhale, but not pull up and in). To be most effective udiyanbandh should be applied with the stomach muscles completely relaxed. In fact, the more relaxed the better.  
Proper and consistent practice of this lock can increase the blood supply to the intraperitoneal organs (i.e. stomach, small intestines, spleen, liver, etc.) and the microcirculation around the heart. Yoga and proper diet have been linked throughout the ages and, as such, it shouldn’t be surprising that udiyanbandh can also facilitate digestive enzyme release via exocrine gland secretions from the pancreas and stomach into the digestive lumen tract. Note: This is very similar to how hydrotherapy (that’s cold showers!) can increase the secretions of endocrine hormones within the body.
Caution: Persons suffering from stomach issues, heart problems, or defective blood circulation should not attempt to perform a full udiyanbandh, as it can create too much internal pressure in these individuals.
What are the energetic mechanics of this lock?
Similarly to the physical effects, proper application of udiyanbandh can activate the fire element, the element of transformation. The fire element also relates to the heart (in Chinese medicine). Not surprisingly then, udiyanbandh can activate the Kundalini Shakti (or power) as the prana is easily directed upwards through the sushumana or central channel. Proper activation of this lock can have a rejuvenating effect on the entire body leaving the practioner with a sense of playfulness in their life and a deep connection with one’s cosmic plan.  
Udiyanbandh is often used in rhythmic chanting. An excellent Kriya meditation to feel the beneficial effect of this lock is the Indra Nittri Meditation! If interested, you are welcome to email me for proper instructions on how to perform this specific kriya!

Julandharbandh – The Neck Lock

This is a gentle neck lock, which can easily be achieved by slightly tucking the chin while elongating the back of the neck. In general, julandharbandh is applied during most chanting meditations and pranayama exercises. This lock can prevent unwanted changes in blood pressure caused by pranayam or yogic asanas and thus prevent unnecessary dizziness. The force of applying this lock is felt on the spinal cord and with this force; the circulation of blood increases thereby increasing the efficiency of the spinal cord.
Failing to apply julandharbandh can cause excess energy to flow to the ears, eyes or other places in the head rather than up and into the brain. Sealing this energy into the upper areas of your brain makes it easier to focus and meditate. It also helps you maintain better spinal posture!
Julandharbandh literally means to destroy any pain in the throat. It has been written in ancient texts that this lock can eliminate old age and destroy death! Performing julandharbandh also gives peace and calmness to the heart and the mind.
What are the energetic mechanics of this lock?
Julandharbandh can help to untie the knot of Shiva. The knot of Shiva or gateway is located at your brow point or Ajna (6th) Chakra. When the energetic knot of Shiva is untied and flowing, you will feel free and timeless. In this state, you can experience the Divine essence. When you are deeply engaged in chanting a divine mantra, with julandharbandh engaged, you can experience otherworldly sensations such as a deep knowing, a profound understanding and even sacred visions!

Julandharbandh is used in almost all chanting and pranayam type exercises. An excellent way to experience this particular bandh is by chanting your favorite mantra whilst engaging and releasing this lock (gently) to experience the difference that it brings! An excellent kriya meditation for this experience is the Wahe Guru mantra we chant during the Aquarian Sadhana. If interested, you are welcome to email me for proper instructions on how to perform this specific kriya!
Bonus – Engaging julandharbandh also helps contain the energy of the Moon Center at the chin!

Mahabandh – The Great Lock

The great lock is the application of all three previous locks simultaneously, with the breath held out. In general, it is practiced at the end of either asanas or pranayams. With mahabandh engaged consciously and correctly the body is in a perfect healing state. The glands, nerves and chakras are rejuvenated. The healing effects of this lock help with menstrual cramps and poor circulation. Mastery of mahabandh can cure improper blood pressure, irregularity, wet dreams, and excessive preoccupation with mental fantasies!


Hopefully you now have a much better grasp of the energetic locks of Kundlaini Yoga and feel free to start practicing right now! An excellent way to practice Mulbandh is by engaging this lock to temporarily stop the flow of urine when eliminating. This will give you immediate biofeedback about whether or not you are successfully applying this lock.
In Kundalini Yoga classes most teachers assume that students have a basic understanding of these locks, but if you are unsure and need more help understanding them don’t hesitate to ask the teacher.
To your success,
Prabhusukh Singh PhD*

*Prabhusukh teaches a donation based Community Kundalini Yoga class at The Little Yoga Studio on Sundays at 8:00am.

Monday, May 26, 2014

7 Habits of Solid Yogis

1) Commitment 

Make your practice a priority. You have experienced the duality of life. You have experienced the shallowness, the compulsiveness, and the neurotic behavior. Now, you are ready for something deeper. You can feel it deep in your being. Don’t hesitate! Make the commitment to personal transformation, personal development and embrace your daily spiritual practice (Sadhana).  It takes time and patience to develop a strong daily practice. Being committed to success will give you the strength to see it through. No doubt there will be days when you rebel against doing your practice, —do it anyway! You have the power and that power is your commitment.  If you haven’t established a daily Sadhana yet, now is the time! If you have, congratulations and keep it up!

2) Create Your Sacred Space

Create an altar using things that inspire you and keep you going!  Use pictures of your teacher(s), stones or objects that hold a high vibration, candles, incense…. whatever!  Just make sure that when you look at your altar it reminds you of your highest potential and inspires you to practice daily. 

The Adi Shakti Sacred Healing Space of Boulder
Get your yoga mat, sheepskin, wool mat, etc. and create a sacred space where you can stretch out, breathe, and meditate. Do your best to eliminate any and all distractions. Now that you have decided your Sadhana is the most important thing to you, create a space that reflects your commitment.

3) Find your Supportive Community

Finding a network in your town or city will provide you with invaluable support in your Sadhana and will inspire you to keep up! Find out where yoga classes are being held and attend as many as you can. Find Kirtans (there’s one here!), gatherings, meditation groups, sanctuaries, etc. Look for people you resonate with, and who support your authenticity and commitment to your daily practice. Don’t be afraid to reach out and talk to new people. You will be pleasantly surprised by the connections you make in a class or gathering of conscious people who are also committed to bettering their health and wellbeing. Exchange information, stories, and keep in touch. Talk to the singers, facilitators, and teachers if you get a chance and don’t hesitate to ask questions! 

Boulder Kundalini Yogi Community
4) Find Your Teachers

One of the best ways to grow your own supportive community is to attend different classes and get to know different teaching styles. There are thousands of different yoga sets (Kiryas) and meditations taught by Yogi Bhajan. There are also many different excellent teachers who each express themselves in unique ways when teaching yoga. As such, it is great to find teachers that you resonate with and attend their classes. Talk with them, ask them questions, and show your commitment to participating and practicing. It has been said that when you take one step towards the Guru or Teacher, the Guru will take 10 steps towards you!

5) Find Your Music

One of the most profound parts of a Kundalini Yoga class is the music teachers’ use throughout class, which often consists of reciting mantras. Never underestimate the power of divine sounds in their ability to fully support you in your practice. In fact, my students almost always comment on how much they enjoyed the music during classes! 

Personally, I listen to mantra music throughout the day. These vibrations  keep me feeling elevated and in the eternal flow of love and life. Find music that inspires you and listen to it daily. It’s always easier to do house work with divine music in the background and the same is true for inner work (in fact, I'm listening to some right now as I write this). Some of my favorite artists are listed HERE! I LOVE teaching Kundalini Yoga and I also have a deep passion for playing the guitar and singing. One of my specialties is inspirational conscious hip-hop. I also thoroughly enjoy playing acoustic music. You are welcome to check out some of my sounds HERE! 

Buy Kirtan music at Spirit Voyage!

6) Don’t Make Excuses

In today’s fast paced world there are so many distractions. Stay steady! Set your space for success when you begin your practice. Turn off your phone, tune out the distracting world, stay focused, and tune in to your Self! A million things will come up as soon as you begin your practice. Forget about that email that you need to send, forget about your Facebook post. Sit down and go within, be disciplined. Whatever it is, you can do it later. Remember your commitment. Initiate your practice and let it consume you. Afterwards, when you are clear and balanced, you can take care of all those things much more efficiently and without the stress! 

7) Enjoy It!

Finally, don’t take yourself too seriously. If your practice becomes too serious, it tends to lose its sense of freedom and flow. Practice a little in the morning and a little at night. Have fun with it and switch it up as necessary to stay solid!  Throw in a creative movement piece or do some Tai Chi. Find a way to weave it into your day so that it feels natural and not like an obligation. Enjoy the mantras as you chant them. Feel their vibration through your whole being. Feel the depth of your meditation. Bask in your beautiful inner space. Feel at home within you and embrace your practice as the wonderful gift and blessing that it is. Rise up and dive in!

Sat Nam,

Eric Gurmukh Klema* 

Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher

*Gurmukh teaches a weekly donation class at The Adi Shakti Center of Boulder on Thursdays from 7:00-8:30p.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

What is Yoga? Kundalini Yoga? Kundalini Energy?

What is Yoga? What is its Purpose?

Yoga is a type of activity based on the spiritual nature of the human being. Yoga means Union. Many answers can be given about Union, but Union with what?  Ultimately, it means Union with God. Many types of yoga exist today, which is encouraged, however, they all have the same goal in mind, to become One with God. This actually means to be completely present with your own existence right here, right now, in this very moment. 
This can be scary for some people and bring up a lot of ego resistance. However, becoming One with God is really just the same thing as saying becoming a completely conscious human being. A completely conscious human being is One who practices consciousness throughout each and every day and spreads that awareness to those around them. The purpose of yoga is to awaken you to the fact that you are Consciousness itself, or you are God.  There is no distinction between the two. 
The purpose of yoga is to reap the benefits of practice. Indeed, these benefits are numerous. Yoga can cultivate physical, mental, and spiritual awareness beyond that which you have previously imagined impossible. I have personally experienced and witnessed the transformative power of yoga within myself and other students around me. I’ve connected with fellow students in ways that I’ve never envisioned before practicing Yoga!

What is Kundalini Yoga and The Kundalini Energy?

A hot topic! Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is the Yoga of Awareness. Practicing Kundalini Yoga will rapidly increase your awareness, including awareness of how you create your own world, which can be painful at times. It will challenge you. It will make you feel anger, hate and fear. It will evoke compassion, love and forgiveness. And it will release these emotions simultaneously, which can be overwhelming, to say the least. With consistent practice of Kundalini Yoga, you will experience this juxtaposition of emotions more frequently and more intensely! 
At times during my practice, I am so moved by the beauty of The Creation that I am, that tears pour forth and I convulse with sobs. In this state, I experience how everyone else emanates beauty and I feel so much love and compassion that no words can do justice.
The Kundalini Energy is a mystery that slowly unfolds uniquely for each person, as it should be. Ultimately it is the pure creative force (or Adi Shakti) in the universe. Have you seen the recent article about the Big Bang theory of the creation of the Universe? The Big Bang was exactly that, a pure Kundalini Energy explosion. This is the energy of creation that resides in each one of us and can be called upon to serve us by chanting “ONG”. This is the sound current that begins to coax the Kundalini Energy from the base of the spine towards the higher energy centers in the human body. Practicing Kundalini Yoga is how we “control” or navigate this energy so that it doesn’t destroy us, which it can easily do. You’ve heard the stories!

How does Kundalini Yoga Differ from Other Types of Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is not better or worse than other types of yoga. This is old dualistic thinking from the Piscean Age! In fact, Kundalini Yoga is not even better or worse than any other spiritual path. Kundalini Yoga differs from other spiritual paths in that it is a VERY RAPID path to awareness. I have personally studied and practiced Buddhism, Martial Arts, Taoism, and Yoga. In my experiences, Kundalini Yoga rapidly increased my awareness in a way none of these other practices could. This simply means that Kundalini Yoga was the “correct” path for me, NOT that Kundalini Yoga is a superior spiritual path to others!
The most sacred teaching I received from Kundalini Yoga was that I AM MY OWN TEACHER. I finally surrendered to the truth that I should trust my own intuition rather than rely on the wisdom or teaching of others. Sure you should be open to new teachings you encounter or wisdom you find, but ultimately you should practice and begin to TRUST your own intuition and path.  This is how Kundalini Yoga differs from other types of yoga.

To your success,
*Prabhusukh teaches a donation based Community Kundalini Yoga class at The Little Yoga Studio on Sundays at 8:00am.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age

Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age

     The five sutras of the Aquarian Age are:
          1. Recognize that the other person is you.
          2. There is a way through every block.
          3. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.
          4. Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.
          5. Vibrate the Cosmos, the Cosmos shall clear the path.
                                                                                     - Yogi  Bhajan
1. Recognize that the other person is you.

-       This was the theme of last years Summer Solstice celebration in New Mexico
-       Adapted from Gurucharan Singh PhD: The sutra says that you and every person share a common nucleus; a still point that is by nature infinite. It is beyond our normal sense of time and space, and yet gives birth to all that is experienced. It is an empty stillness from which all things arise. We enter that by creating a state of shuniya in meditation and prayer.
-       As that Oneness expresses, it takes the form of polarities. A basic polarity is you and others. You and me. Without stillness and depth in our heart, these seem different, opposed or unrelated. But as we attune to the depth within our own consciousness (Humee Hum) and listen to the depth in the other person (Tumee Tum) and place both sensitivities before the Infinite (Wahe Guru), we are multiplied.
-       Mantra: I am thine in mine, myself, wha-hay guroo. humee hum tumee tum, wha-hay guroo. 

2. There is a way through every block.
-       This will be the theme of Summer Solstice 2014
-        Adapted from Gurucharan Singh PhD: Let each sound resonate through your whole being like a pebble across the calmest of ponds. And in that complex matrix of ripples you are still present and feel your vastness in equal proportion to your specific finiteness. When you listen from the doorway between the finite and Infinite, the mantra you recite becomes the shabad—a sound that dissolves the ego as it invites the Infinite through the heart that you embody. 
-       As Yogi Bhajan instructed us: “This is a Shabad. If you can perfect that Shabad—perfect means when you can recite it correctly at any time without any hindrance while reciting, this is the perfection of the Shabad. While reciting you can hear it accurately. You hear it within yourself, not anybody else. That means it is perfected. Then whenever you will perform it the master miracle will happen.”
-     The practice of this meditation locates you in your heart, opens your perception, and lets you immediately recognize the way forward. All blocks will dissolve. When darkness and obscurity appear to surround you, a ray of light will find its way to you when you practice this mantra. This is a steady state of gratitude to see the constant flow of miracles that accompany you on your path.
-       Mantra: Gobinday, mukanday, udaaray, apaaray, hareeung, kareeung, nirnaamay, akaamay.

3. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off. 
-       This will be the theme of Summer Solstice 2015
-       The meaning of this sutra is fairly simple. We all feel the pressure in our everyday lives. This sutra suggests that, really, the only way to deal with this pressure is by starting. That is, starting what we know needs to be done to deal with the pressure we are feeling.
-       By getting oneself out of a worrisome head space, inactivity will diminish. A busy mental state can be helpful at the start, but at some point it switches gears and begins to hold us back, or block us. Certainly, there are bills to be paid, appointments that must be kept, and news that must be heard. But when drawn away from the authentic self, the result is always the same: fear and an inability to act.
-       Mantra: Gobinday, mukanday, udaaray, apaaray, hareeung, kareeung, nirnaamay, akaamay.

4. Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.
-       This will be the theme of Summer Solstice 2016
-       This sutra suggests that we use empathy to understand the potentially difficult times that others may be going through. This is especially important when we are on the receiving end of negativity projected towards us by another. Quite often (if not always), the other person is hurting and attempting to connect the only way they know how, which is through negativity. We need to have compassion, not react, and attempt to understand the underlying issue(s) that may be occurring.
-       Compassion is learning and acting from the heart. If we choose to go into judgment or look away from the suffering of our fellow human beings, we are misunderstanding the times. It is only the ego and mind that keep us separate from one another and in denial of the truth.
-       Keep your heart open today and resist the urge to go into the mind and ego. Remember to look into the eyes of others to see the same light that lives in us all.
-       Mantra: Rakhay rakhanhaar aap ubaariun, Gur kee pairee paa-eh kaaj savaariun , Hoaa aap dayaal manho na visaariun, Saadh janaa kai sung bhavjal taariun , Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaariun , Tis saahib kee tayk naanak manai maa-eh , Jis simrat sukh ho-eh sagalay dookh jaa-eh

5. Vibrate the cosmos, and the cosmos shall clear the path.

-       This will be the theme of Summer Solstice 2017
-       My favorite sutra! We are encouraged to take control of our own destiny by vibrating (this means chanting mantra) the cosmos. When we do this, we establish a deep connection with the divine. The divine hears our call and begins to clear a path for our own awakening. What this does NOT mean is that our life will be great and easy and no problems will ever arise. Life is life. Challenges come and go, but with continuous practice we can begin to more effectively navigate those challenges. Once this happens, everything feels much easier than before because we are now guided through obstacles with much greater acuity.
-       We vibrate on a both a cellular and emotional level! We vibrate in our heart, which comes through when we communicate using our voice. We live in a vibrational universe. Everything that exists in the universe has a vibration (think quantum physics). Even the planets have their unique humming sounds as they orbit in space! When we vibrate with the cosmos through mantra, we attune ourselves to the higher frequency of Love. Remember the saying, “Like attracts like”. As we increase our quantum vibration, we attract better people who can (and want) to help us achieve our goals, whatever our goals are.
-       Mantra: 3 ½ Cycle Ek Ong Kar (Laya Yoga version)
Ek Ong Kaar-a, Saa Taa Naa Maa-a, Siree Whaa-a, Hay Gu-Roo

To your success,

*Prabhusukh teaches a donation based Community Kundalini Yoga class at The Little Yoga Studio on Sundays at 8:00am.